Video Limit???
I stream my videos from my PC. For some reason it only shows 325 of my 493 movies. Is there a limit or what?
jtracey Wrote:I stream my videos from my PC. For some reason it only shows 325 of my 493 movies. Is there a limit or what?

No there isn't.

So we'll need some more info. File mode? Library mode? SMB, UPNP? How are the movies stored on the PC?

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
it's a smb share. All my movies are in one folder. I'm using windows 7. It's on a separate internal hdd.
forgot to mention it's in file mode.
jtracey Wrote:forgot to mention it's in file mode.

Hmmm. Sounds more like a permissions issue than anything else. Were a batch of the files copied from a separate system/location?

I'm not a Windows man, so to correct permissions perhaps someone else can step in?

If I have helped you in any way, please forgive me, it was entirely accidental.
No, ripped directly to my hdd.
Easiest way to reset sharing permissions is usually to just un-share then re-share the folder in concern.
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You're just jealous 'cause the voices only talk to me :P
I works. Thanks.

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Video Limit???0