v21 Kodi 21 DXVA Scaling not working correctly
  • Kodi 21 RC2
  • Windows 11 23H2
  • Cpu: Ryzen 5600
  • Gpu: RTX 3070
  • Ram: 16 GB DDR4

I watch 4K content with Kodi on a 1080P monitor and i use DXVA as the scaling method.

In Kodi 20 using the GTX 1070 Ti as the gpu, the scaling was working correctly.

I changed my Gpu to the RTX 3070 and at the same time, the Microsoft Store updated Kodi to version 21 RC, so i'm not really sure if this issue is caused by Kodi 21 or the RTX 3070.

But basically this is what happens when i use DXVA scaling to downsize from 4K to 1080p:


This is what happens when i use Lanczos3 scaling and it was similar when i used DXVA with Kodi 20 and the 1070 Ti:

It's most likely something in the GPU driver or settings.
You could setup a portable Kodi 20.5 instance for comparison (install in separate directory and start with -p command line parameter).
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Kodi 21 DXVA Scaling not working correctly0