Req Feature Request for Rapier Skin
Pic 1.  (Estuary in Kodi)Image

Pic 2 (Rapier in Kodi)  Image

Pic 3(Jriver Standard View)Image
Pic 4(Zephyr Reloaded) Image

Feature Requests:
1. Can we have the time duration of the videos too in Rapier skin like the one in Estuary skin shown in Pic 1 above ? Also can the media info icons be made colorful(at least an option for the more colorful version) as shown For Zephyr Reloaded skin in pic 4 ?
2. Can we list and display the album names in the manner shown for screenshot of Jriver media Center in Pic 3. The format of the file name is "[Album Name]-[Song Name] Please note the album name refers to the names in Bold (for example Top.Gun.Maverick)
Hi @htpc Videophile

1. Duration is displayed different places in the different views.
It will not be added as a media flag, as the info is already available in most other view types.
Try switching to List Info, List Info 2, List Info 3, Thumbs Info, Wrap Info, 3D Wrap or Fanart View instead.

The colors of the media flags are either blue or grey in the default theme. That's how the skin is desogned and colors would draw too much attention compared to the standard media flags.
If you use the themes, you can have the media flags in orange or red.

2. Please correct me if I don't understand.
Did you try selecting Extended List view and sorting by Album?
(2023-07-28, 16:04)Gade Wrote: Hi @htpc Videophile

1. Duration is displayed different places in the different views.
It will not be added as a media flag, as the info is already available in most other view types.
Try switching to List Info, List Info 2, List Info 3, Thumbs Info, Wrap Info, 3D Wrap or Fanart View instead.

The colors of the media flags are either blue or grey in the default theme. That's how the skin is desogned and colors would draw too much attention compared to the standard media flags.
If you use the themes, you can have the media flags in orange or red.

2. Please correct me if I don't understand.
Did you try selecting Extended List view and sorting by Album?
1. I requested you to add  this feature in Videos category for the List view. Plus those views which you have mentioned are not present in videos category . Anyways i moved on to Zephyr-Reloaded and Metropolis which have the time info for Videos category.
2. There's No such way to sort by album in Videos Category for the skin or in any skin of kodi. I'm using this nomenclature  for filenames , i.e. [Album Name-Song Name] where the text before the hypen in file names is chosen as the Album name for the Jriver player  using expressions .Such expression options are   not available in this skin or any skin of Kodi

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Feature Request for Rapier Skin0