Player "save" profiles.
This concept might be something that would fall under the idea of the "player profiles", but there is already a lot of concepts being handled in that discussion, but I was thinking about save game profiles as a separate things also being something that might be desirable. That is, the ability to play a game using a player profile that has separately stored save game and save state information so multiple users could be conducting playthroughs of the same game indenpendantly on the same system.
For desktop based emulation solutions, this can be solved by using the underlying OS home directories as the storage location, but kodi is often ran as a single user as far as the OS is concerned.
That's a great idea. I'm even considering a concept where saves would fall under multiple "player profiles" for multiplayer games that had multiple people participate. It would even handle drop-in and drop-out players somehow.

My next evolution of RetroPlayer is called RetroEngine, which is basically that same rendering code but with an emulation system based on my Emulation Equation. Save profiles would be the entirely gameplay history of the player in that game. It explicitly models players, so there's room for this "save profiles" idea when I sit down and write RetroEngine.
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