Req add-on psycopg2 python postgres connector

I want to create a 'plugin.script.psycopg2' add-on for Kodi matrix.

Background: I extended the '' to support PostgreSQL as backend for the film database. The standalone update script I modified works on the database host. I am not able to test the plugin on Kodi as there is no plugin for the psycopg2 postgres connector yet. I am used to install missing python modules with 'pip' in a virtual environment or by running 'python install'. This doesn't seem to be the way to create a python plugin for Kodi though.

I have never created a plugin for Kodi so I would need some help from an experienced Kodi developer to get me started. Or a volunteer who can do it for me and upload the new plugin to the Addon repo.
The plugin should be in category
addon="script.module.psycopg2" version="2.9.3"
Psycopg2 needs to be compiled first as it is implemented as a c-wrapper around libpg. I am now looking to integrate the library directly into LibreELEC.
pg8000 is a pure python PostgreSQL connector and creating a plugin for Kodi is easy. Performance is much slower than psycopg2 though. Still trying to create native plugins for postgresql-libs and python-psycopg2 on for armv7 platform.

I read that it has been discussed in the forum to develop PostgreSQL support for Kodi, but it was considered to be too much work for little benefit compared to MySQL. Has anybody attempted to create (native platform dependent) addons for Postgres?

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