Play! open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator ports for RetroPlayer?
Play! is an open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator written in C++ for OpenGL and is made to be portable, though can't seem to find any previous libretro port attempts?

Libretro developers look to have at least expressed some interest in porting it to Libretro core as comments show here

Play! emulator is however not yet as mature as say PCSX2 but again it looks to be a more portable design on paper(?) and maybe by the time RetroPlayer hits mainline...
awesome, ps2 emulation would kick ass. the GL stuff was being worked on by a1rwulf, he'll probably pop in here and let us know when he's working on it again. Let's hope the libretro team ports this to a core, because once the GL bindings are in place it'll work in Kodi too
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
hey guys,

actually I'm working on getting my GL stuff ported to OSX within this second.
GL stuff is quite different on OSX but I think it will give me a better idea how to better encapsulation.
I'll also rebase my stuff on your RC1 or Beta2 work soon - dunno what's the current one *gg*
there you are Smile if you saw, i finally popped out some builds based on Isengard beta 2. input is finally mostly done, just need to sync keymaps over the internet and support arrow keys for the N64's analog stick (axes only still)

I'm dev'ing on OSX primarily so lemme know if you need a tester!
RetroPlayer releases:

Donations: eigendude.eth
Of course I will come back to you when something is ready.
Just need to find out how to obtain an OpenGL context on OSX - it's somewhat different Smile
previously I had some issues getting axis to work on my linux notebook.
will give it another shot if I find some time besides work life...

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Play! open source PlayStation 2 (PS2) emulator ports for RetroPlayer?0