Unable to add libraw
I want to add the libraw decoder to my installtion of Kodi 20.3.
I've tried to follow the instructions (https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on:Libraw_image_decoder) but the Image Decoders section is missing from the add ons section. I've also looked under the Picture add-ons section but it's not in there either.
How can I add the libraw decoder?
It's a binary addon so how you get it depends on what type of device and the OS that Kodi is running on.
I've installed it on a Raspberry Pi, running Bookworm.
(2024-02-12, 19:50)PeteCr Wrote: running Bookworm

bookworm is not an OS, it is an OS version
both Debian and RpiOS (raspberry pi os) have a Bookworm version
seeing that you're not sure what OS you have installed i'm guessing it's RpiOS
packages for your system are provided by your OS not by team-kodi (kodi.tv)
if you are on Debian then you can install the package via apt - https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/kod...ecoder-raw
if you are on RpiOS then you can "try" the same as Debian but afaik RpiOS doesn't actually provide binary addon packages
if your OS does not provide it then you have to compile it yourself, instructions are on github https://github.com/xbmc/imagedecoder.raw

if you are running RpiOS you will usually get better support from their forum https://forums.raspberrypi.com/
if you are running Debian then you can find help in the Linux Section of this forum or the Debian specific thread of that Linux section

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Unable to add libraw0