Linux HEIF decoder on Debian 12 "Bookworm"
I've installed Kodi 20.2.0 on my Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspi OS Lite, 64bit) from the official repo with apt install.
It all works well, except for viewing my .heic pihotos.
On Kodi there is no HEIF decoder in the official Kodi repo.
When trying to install "kodi-imagedecoder-heif" from the Debian repo I get an error: 
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
kodi-imagedecoder-heif : Depends: kodi-api-imagedecoder (>= 3.0.0)
Depends: kodi-api-imagedecoder (< 3.1.0)
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.


It is a clean installation from scratch, but I got other apps running on the box, like Samba, Pi-hole, WireGuard and OneDrive, which is why I have not opted for something like LibreELEC.

Hoping somebody got a solution!


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HEIF decoder on Debian 12 "Bookworm"0