TIDAL as play device for KODI?
Hello all. Is there someone smart who can advise me how to set up some TIDAL add-on so it shows as play device on my mobile TIDAL? I use TIDAL2 add-on for long time, but it does not show as play device. Thanks very much.
I understand that you are looking for advice on how to set up a TIDAL add-on that will show as a play device on your mobile TIDAL app. It can be frustrating when you are unable to get the add-on to work the way you want it to.
One solution you could try is to check if the TIDAL add-on is compatible with the TIDAL app on your mobile device. If it is, then you could try to troubleshoot the issue by checking the settings on both the add-on and the TIDAL app to ensure they are configured correctly.
Another option is to reach out to the developer of the TIDAL add-on or the TIDAL support team for assistance. They may be able to provide you with specific instructions on how to set up the add-on to work with the mobile app.
I hope this information helps, and please let me know if you have any further questions.
In general it is fine, whatever I do on phone app it will be visible in kodi interface. The problem is with kore, I can't use it to play entire alboom for instance. I am using yatse for it. I have been also thinking to setup my raspberry as a bloototh receiver, mby this will be the best option.

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TIDAL as play device for KODI?0