Access kodi web interface with webos browser (LG TV)

Has anybody tried and succeeded to access kodi web interface ( matrix) on local network via built in browser ( smart LG TV webos). It just hangs doing nothing in my case.

Just to be more specific the LG webos is 6.x version - should be based on chromium 79 according their docu . The idea is to use it to control kodi via it and move rpi4 somewhere more hidden place - can't & won't use 15m hdmi cable Smile accessing via laptop browser or mobile browser ( firefox ) works just fine ( with and without user/password ).
The webos is 6.x version based on chromium 79. Laptop browser or mobile browser ( firefox ) works with or withou user/password.
It's okay to put all your texts into 1 post, there is no need to type only 1-2 lines per post.

As far as the WebOS web browser goes, which Kodi web interface are you trying to display? At what point does it hang, does the page show any content? And on what device is the Kodi client running?

If a Firefox client is properly showing the Kodi web interface, then I guess WebOS has a (network?) problem.

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Access kodi web interface with webos browser (LG TV)0