plugin listitem running url without selecting
I'm having a strange problem with a plugin.  Strange because it was working then I don't what changed but now have problems.

The structure of the plugin is to use the routing module and create filtered lists of actors.  I have a couple levels of folders for the filters, then the final level is a directory of listitems for the filtered actors.  The info on the listitems comes from an external to Kodi db with characteristics (sort of like Kodi artist info).   I use xbmcplugin.addDirectoryItems to create the list.  The URL set for each is to a different plugin, plugin://script.extendedinfo/?info=  with the needed parameters to run that script.

The problem is, as soon as I navigate to a listitem, Kodi immediately runs the url plugin, instead of waiting for a select/click action.  When the url plugin exits, Kodi immediately runs it again until I "escape" out of the level.

Any ideas on where to look?  I tried removing the listitem path (setPath("")) but that did nothing.  I take it the intent of plugin is to end up with a playable item not a generic listitem, maybe that has something to do with it?

scott s.
Personally, I've never heard about such behavior. First, I'd recommend to enable component-specific logging like Windowing and JSON-RPC and check the debug log to try to understand what triggers ListItem selected event. Can it be some other addon that runs in the background and does werid things based on the current ListItem or window properties?
Thanks.  Will try some deeper-level logging.  In a "normal" debug log it just logs the input (action is "down") and immediately calls python.  I think I will try running in VS debugger if I can build a streamlined version of the plugin with this behavior.

scott s.
Finally got around to solving this.  Culprit was a service addon,  What was happening is that it monitors focused listitem in containers and if the focused item changes, gets the new ListItem.FolderPath and uses that in a call to  xbmc.executeJSONRPC with the files.GetDirectory method.  The folder path was plugin://script.extendedinfo/?... so I guess json_rpc executes the path when running the method.  I can see why that is correct (might have a use case if the plugin was actually returning a folder).  In this case json returns an "error" response.

scott s.

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plugin listitem running url without selecting0