Kodi et lecteur zappiti
I have a Zappiti NEO on which I have kodi 20.2 installed.
In order to use the zappiti player I created the file "playercorefactory.xml"

   <player name="zappitiPlayer" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
      <args>--fullscreen "{1}"</args>

  <rules action="prepend">
    <rule video="true" player="zappitiPlayer"/>

but when I start playing a video I get the message "The playlist is empty"
With Kodi's player, the video plays correctly.

Could you help me?
Thank you
your args are wrong for android and i am pretty sure the wiki is wrong on this subject

what kodi actually does is use activity manager internally, basically am start org.package.name/.StartClass -d {1}

remove --fullscreen and try that way

another note, the target app must be able to open the path passed to it so if it is on an smb share or similar where credentials are needed the target player will not work

which app is the message "but when I start playing a video I get the message "The playlist is empty"" coming from, the target or Kodi? if the target then it would indicate incorrect -d parameter or the target is not capable

it would be far more useful to use adb logcat to find out where things are going wrong and also compare to manually starting the target activity with adb shell am start
Thank you for responding so quickly.
In fact, kodi was working fine and opening the videos fine with the Zappiti player, until kodi crashed and I was forced to reinstall it. And it is after this new installation that it no longer works.
I'm going to try by removing -fullscreen and for ADB, I'm a beginner so I need to learn about this tool.
Thanks again,
I just did a new test and the situation is as follows:
I have source 1 is in NFS on a Synology DS920+
and source 2 which is also in NFS on a disk connected via usb on the same Synology.
Source 1 not working, message "playlist is empty".
Source 2 works and the videos are played well with the Zappiti player.
I also just tested by removing -fullscreen and it works the same.
I'm coming back to you because I managed to get the Zappiti player to work.
Here's how I did it.
I uninstalled kodi and then reinstalled it to have a clean install.
I added a network location by putting "diskstation" (which is the name of synology DS920+ on the network) in "share folder" and not the IP address (not forgetting to add ident and password beforehand).
Then I added a source with the previously added diskstation source.
I don't explain why it works with the nas name and not with the nas IP?
Hey, hello my friend, I don't know, but maybe you can help me. Like you, I have a Zappiti player, I have a Mini 4k HDR. For the moment I am a subscriber to R_volution, and I am looking for a free solution to continue using the player. My question is how do you know the name of the app "com.dunehd.shell"? I used the content of your example file, when I click on a video I get a message telling me that the external player will be used but after nothing it does not start "no error message" Would you know the player number on my Zappiti? That would be really nice for me. Thanks in advance, Sincerely, Gerard Ps: sorry if the translation is bad "google", but I'm not good at languages ​​if I'm French
The solution I'm laying out here only works for the Zappiti of the NEO generation.
Otherwise I finally found the cause of the message "The playlist is empty", in fact to delete this message, you have to go to the directory of your synology with the zappiti explorer, this activates the access rights for the zappiti player. I don't know why it works that way, but what is certain is that it works perfectly.
I would like to point out that each time the zappiti is restarted it will return to the directory.

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Kodi et lecteur zappiti0