PCSX switch to analogue gamepad

I have setup PCSX on my Kodi box games work fine but all my game detect my controller as digital ONLY. Analogue controls work in the Kodi menus but not inside PCSX is there a setting i have missed ?

Thank you
I've recently been trying to play playstation games and I also can't work out if it's possible to change the controller type the emulator thinks is attached in 19.4.

The controller config screen let's you set which buttons on your physical controller correspond to various possible emulated controllers but doesn't let you set which emulated controller type is currently attached to the emulator.
Just to update this, in Kodi 20the new controller ports menu allows changing the controller type as well as allowing multiplayer so this issue is resolved there.
Thanks for confirming! Update to v20 and you can switch PSX controllers between analog and digital in the new Port Setup dialog (OSD -> Settings -> Ports).
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

Donations: eigendude.eth
Note there depending on the core there is normally also a toggle to set the state of the analog "button" that existed on PSX analog controllers and if enabled on games that don't support analog when an analog pad is allocated it can cause some glitchy contoller behaviour.

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