XBOX Does Kodi support Xbox Variable Refresh Rate?
Xbox Series consoles support Variable Refresh Rate but does Kodi make use of it when playing video? Since using it can result in smoother video playback. Or should I be using Adjust Display Refresh Rate? My TV is 120Hz so I'm not sure if it's even necessary. Also if 120 is a multiplier of 24 should I even be using those technologies?
Do you actually have any videos with a variable refresh rate?
I have some old anime that have variable frame rate but what I meant is does VRR work in general? Like if I'm watching a video that is 57p will TV adjust to that frame rate? It should automatically set refresh rate to 57Hz or 114Hz, that's what happens with games. What I'm asking is does Kodi support that when playing videos? Or does it just output maximum refresh rate regardless? I know Kodi has Adjust Display Refresh Rate settings that does that but it just forces your TV into certain refresh rate while with VRR it should be able to just adjust on the fly and without screen going black for a second.

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Does Kodi support Xbox Variable Refresh Rate?0