Android Kodi 19.3 immediately crashing after start-up with Enigma/VU+ client enabled
Hi @phunkyfish 
I powered up my shield yesterday after maybe 4-5 days and downloaded the latest app updates from the google store, then started Kodi which caused it to immediately crash after the main menu appeared and had started to import the channels. Tried this a number of times all resulting in the same behaviour. Have tried again today, but exactly the same thing is happening.
It's really quite odd, as the last time I used Kodi on the Shield was 4-5 days previously and everything was fine. The only difference I've made between then and now, is downloading the shield app updates.
I do also have the IPTV client enabled as well, but didn't mention that in the post title, as the only errors I can see on the debug log I obtained from the Shield all relate to the Enigma/VU+ Client. When I disable both of these PVR clients, Kodi seems remain on but seems to be running much slower at certain tasks. Like it took 15 minutes to scan 4 new movies into the library using an smb connection. Not sure if that has any relevance or just a pure coincidence.
Anyway, the enigma errors don't mean a whole load to me, but perhaps you could take a look when get a chance.

Log attached: kegibosivu.kodi (paste)
Those errors don’t mean anything I’m afraid. Maybe try posting in the shield section if we have one. I’m not sure at all.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Ahh, that's a shame. I'll continue to monitor and see if the issue corrects itself over the next week or two.
If not, I'll maybe consider doing a full reset on the Shield over the Xmas period.
The good thing is I can still use Kodi for the most part, just not when Live TV is enabled. But I can use the Live TV Channels app to fill that gap.... 

Update: Scrub all of the above. Decided to un-install 19.3 and try 19.2....Everything up and working again now with no crashes.
No idea why 19.3 suddenly decided to start crashing the way it did after a 4-5 day break, but at least I have a full working copy again now!
Happy Days!.... Smile
Very strange. I don’t recall an addon change in between. Best I guess their can’t have been too many changes in between to check.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
I don't know, if this error/bug/freeze is releated?

A total freeze while importing shouldn't happen
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2021-12-15, 13:24)Solo0815 Wrote: I don't know, if this error/bug/freeze is releated?

A total freeze while importing shouldn't happen

Can you raise this with the Pluto tv addon dev? If they can repro this I’m happy to dig into it further.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2021-12-15, 19:45)phunkyfish Wrote: Can you raise this with the Pluto tv addon dev? If they can repro this I’m happy to dig into it further.
Here is the fix from ksooo:

I don't know, if this is relevant for this error, but wanted to report, that the mentioned  bug in plutotv should be fixed.
Philips TV with Kodi 20.2 with IPTV --- Orbsmart 500 Android 21 alpha/beta as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
(2021-12-17, 16:23)Solo0815 Wrote:
(2021-12-15, 19:45)phunkyfish Wrote: Can you raise this with the Pluto tv addon dev? If they can repro this I’m happy to dig into it further.
I don't know, if this is relevant for this error, but wanted to report, that the mentioned  bug in plutotv should be fixed.
Don't know.
I did try the PlutoTV client on the shield, but as previously mentioned I also witnessed Kodi crashing when it was enabled.
Not sure if that would be the cause of the further crashes I was seeing, even after disabling the PlutoTv client, but like I said I'm back on 19.2 with no problems currently. Will maybe try 19.3 again over the Xmas period and see if the same thing happens (Hopefully not though)

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Kodi 19.3 immediately crashing after start-up with Enigma/VU+ client enabled0