Waipi PVR Client PiP flickers

I'm using the waipu pvr addon for watching O2 TV on my Raspi4.
It's working as intended while watching a channel, but in the PiP channel menu the TV part is flickering (some frames are black).

I'm using libreelec 10, Kodi 19.1 and waipu.tv PVR add-on 2.9.4.
(2021-09-07, 12:33)CodeInject Wrote: Hi,

I'm using the waipu pvr addon for watching O2 seriale latimp TV on my Raspi4 for .
It's working as intended while watching a channel, but in the PiP channel menu the TV part is flickering (some frames are black).

I'm using libreelec 10, Kodi 19.1 and waipu.tv PVR add-on 2.9.4.

First of all, the server address in the stalker client is incorrect. Also the server address for the simple client is incorrect. The address you have in the stalker is the server address for the simple client. The stalker uses 11.iptv*************.tv. Change the addresses and also be sure only one is enabled as they do not play well together.
(2021-11-08, 16:31)rohitway Wrote: the server address in the stalker client is incorrect. Also the server address for the simple client is incorrect.

You seem to have strong hypervision to be able to see which addresses are used in someone else's server. How do you do that?
You are mentioning the stalker client, OP is mentioning PIP problems. Those two things don't seem to mix.

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Waipi PVR Client PiP flickers0