Broken After update to Omega - Stuck at Search for new Media
Hi there,

a few day ago I updated to Omega with Windows 11. Now I also updated to 21.0 final.

But unfortunatelly the search for new media is stuck always at 47% when seaching for series. Does anyone spot the error and does know how to fix it?

Thanks in advance.
No problems on Win 10 here. Around 9000 files.
(2024-04-06, 19:32)gerstemann Wrote: search for new media is stuck always at 47%
Seems to be an issue with you might want to take out the ' otherwise the log is incomplete. I suggest the library data might have a corruption.
Looks like the wrong series is being looked up with TheTVDB, Bel-Air (2022) instead of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
You used a localized name for the folder, I don't know if that's supported or maybe depends on the scraper.
Renaming the folder will likely let scraping succeed.
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After update to Omega - Stuck at Search for new Media0