Bug Error with MySQL and mass update

I use Kodi wtih the latest version and a MYSQL database (MariaDB10 @ Synology). In general everything works well and the performance is good. I only have one error and it is independent from the Kodi client. I checked it with Windows and Android (NVidia TV shield).

Error: I have an Archive NAS, where I save old TV shows that are not shared. From time to time I move a show to the active share for Kodi. After moving these files, I run a new search at the kodi box to update the DB. Yesterday I moved CSI (15 seasons with 335 shows). After I run the "find new files" at Kodi (windows), only season 1-9 was added. And from season 9 the last show was also missed. 

To resolved that error I must move season 10-15 out of kodi, re-run the update and add it again. After runing the update again, all seasons are showing in Kodi exept S09E24.
To remove S09 do not resolve the problem.

To resolve that problem, I must move S09 out of Kodi and delete the S09 entry out out MySQL. (MyVideo121->path). After that I added S09 to kod and make a rescan. That brings all shows (including S09E24) to Kodi.

The question that I have is, is this a MySQL tuning/setting problem or a Kodi problem. I assume ist an MySQL because that happen with Andriod and Windows Kodi as well.
Turn on debug logging and capture a log showing a scan that misses episodes and upload to paste.kodi.tv -- should give us something to check out.

scott s.
WIll do it next time. Thanks

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Error with MySQL and mass update0