Kodi crashes on game launch
When trying to launch on game on kodi, the application black screens, then closes.

I have made no modification to the default app. I just selected a rom directory, and tried launching a game. This happens on both SNES games and N64.
I have only tried 3 games, but dont see why the results would be any different for anything else.

Is there something I am supposed to do that I don't know? I am on Windows 11, and there is nothing in the event log that I can see.
Kodi doesn't support 3D, so N64 isn't supported (though it should fail with a message instead of crashing). SNES works for me though.

Can you upload a debug log? This can show me why Kodi is crashing when you launch a game.
RetroPlayer releases: https://github.com/garbear/xbmc/releases

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Kodi crashes on game launch0