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(2023-07-30, 00:56)kereltje Wrote: @chrissxuk
I think you've done very well. If you created a zip file that installed without error, it looks very much like you've nailed it. Mind that only VOD is on 1080 and older episodes might still be in lower resolutions.

If you want to ensure the addon has actually updated you could for instance change the addon's name (like viwX-HD) in the file addon.xml and change the name of the folder pugin.video.viwx accordingly.
Or change just the version in addon.xml. Zip it all up, install and check the name or version.

When I checked last week 1080p was still offered, but maybe something changed recently. Also check inputstream adaptive settings, because that's the addon that decides which stream to play.
I wasn't able to get 1080p on anything, although I have yet to do any extensive testing. Most streams actually start in 480p and need a few restarts to actually get them to become 720p.

I remember having some conversations with CaptainT, the dev of iplayerWWW, who also suggested changing the settings of iputstream adaptive, although he did go on to say that regardless of the settings inputstream adaptive should eventually just work itself out and give you your best resolution.

Captain T wasn't that complimentary of inputstream adaptive saying it does appear to be a little unpredictable at times. I have a download speed of approximately 100mbs on my Android TV so why inputstream adaptive would give me 480p and 720p instead of the maximum is a little odd.

Thank you for your help.
There are a lot of things that affect the speed data from a server on internet arrives at an application in your TV. Your internet connection is just a small part in the path data travels.
You could try setting Inputstream Adaptive to fixed resolution.
Or,  if you have it set to Adaptive, try disabling "Auto determines initial bandwidth" and set 'Initial bandwidth" to 9000 or more (if you also have addons playing 4k), because itv's full hd streams are usually just over 8 Mbit
I just tested and recent episodes play at 1080
(2023-07-30, 14:23)kereltje Wrote: There are a lot of things that affect the speed data from a server on internet arrives at an application in your TV. Your internet connection is just a small part in the path data travels.
You could try setting Inputstream Adaptive to fixed resolution.
Or,  if you have it set to Adaptive, try disabling "Auto determines initial bandwidth" and set 'Initial bandwidth" to 9000 or more (if you also have addons playing 4k), because itv's full hd streams are usually just over 8 Mbit
I just tested and recent episodes play at 1080
My Android TV is actually in my garden connected to my router with a very long Cat6 cable. My Internet in the house on my main router is 600mbs but is 100mbs by the time it reaches my TV, so that could be an issue. Having said that I have no problem streaming 1080p or even 4K on the TV using Amazon Prime, HBO, or BBC iplayer apps.

I will test again in my house on other devices closer to the router and check the settings in inputstream adaptive. Can you give me an example of an episode that definitely streams 1080p?
(2023-07-30, 14:23)kereltje Wrote: There are a lot of things that affect the speed data from a server on internet arrives at an application in your TV. Your internet connection is just a small part in the path data travels.
You could try setting Inputstream Adaptive to fixed resolution.
Or,  if you have it set to Adaptive, try disabling "Auto determines initial bandwidth" and set 'Initial bandwidth" to 9000 or more (if you also have addons playing 4k), because itv's full hd streams are usually just over 8 Mbit
I just tested and recent episodes play at 1080
I just installed on my Firestick and was getting the same 480p initially, then changing to 720p when restarting the stream. I changed inputstream adaptive to fixed resolution and bingo it's 1080p. Need to try that in my garden later but hopefully that will do the trick. I really should have known that because that's exactly what I had to do before to get 1080p on a previous test application here.

I don't fully understand what I've done though but would like to understand if you have time to explain. What's the difference between Feature HD and your version? Why couldn't I just install the Feature HD zip, why did I have to extract the plugin.video.viwx, zip and install that zip? Incidentally that method didn't work on my Firestick I had to use ES Explorer to paste over the existing file.

Also how can I keep this HD version separate from your original version that's constantly updated and maintained? You said something about renaming it, but how do I do that?
Quote:Why couldn't I just install the Feature HD zip, why did I have to extract the plugin.video.viwx, zip and install that zip
Not every zip is a Kodi addon. When Kodi starts it reads everything in it's addon folder and it needs certain files at certain locations in the folder to get the info it needs and to be able to run the addon. When you install an addon Kodi does some check to ensure all required files and folders are present. If something is not correct installation fails with an error like "Invalid file structure". At installation Kodi performs more stringent checks than it does when loading addons at startup. Installing (from zip file) is therefor much safer than copying files directly to Kodi.

The zip file you download when cloning a branch from github contains everything needed for the development of the addon - tests, support doc, the whole shebang. The folder plugin.video.viwx is the actual addon, with the right structure. So if you zip that folder you'll have an installable addon. A common mistake is to zip only the content of the folder, rather than the including the folder itself in the zip, as @QianyuLi mentioned. You can check that by opening the zip in explorer. There should be one single folder named plugin.video.viwx.
Read more on the addon structure at https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_structure

If you want to keep the existing addon, you'll have to give your addon a new name. The file addon.xml is an important file providing Kodi all kinds of info about the addon, including the name and id.
Open addon.xml in a text editor and locate the line 
<addon id="plugin.video.viwx" name="viwX" version="1.0.0-beta.5" provider-name="Dimitri Kroon">
The id is how Kodi internally stores and references the addon. You need to change that, otherwise Kodi will overwrite the existing addon. Leave  'plugin.video.' as is, and only change the last part.
The name is what you see on screen. Change that too. If two addons have the same name, you'll probably see only one on screen.
Check https://kodi.wiki/view/Addon.xml for more info on addon.xml

Again, If installing a zip file fails restart Kodi. Once installing a zip has failed Kodi will keep throwing the same error even if you've resolved the issue, so restart before trying again.

I hope this clears things a bit, but it is all rather off topic.
If you need more help you'd better open a new topic. You'll have a much broader audience, a bigger pool of knowledge and more people will benefit from the answers.
Just explain as clearly and exact as possible what the problem/question is, what you have done so far and what errors you get and you'll find people willing to help. 
Try to keep it short, and above all, to the point. And provide a debug log!!

edit: typos and grammar
(2023-07-31, 14:00)kereltje Wrote:
Quote:Why couldn't I just install the Feature HD zip, why did I have to extract the plugin.video.viwx, zip and install that zip
Not every zip is a Kodi addon. When Kodi starts it reads everything in it's addon folder and it needs certain files at certain locations in the folder to get the info it needs and to be able to run the addon. When you install an addon Kodi does some check to ensure all required files and folders are present. If something is not correct installation fails with an error like "Invalid file structure". At installation Kodi performs more stringent checks than it does when loading addons at startup. Installing (from zip file) is therefor much safer than copying files directly to Kodi.

The zip file you download when cloning a branch from github contains everything needed for the development of the addon - tests, support doc, the whole shebang. The folder plugin.video.viwx is the actual addon, with the right structure. So if you zip that folder you'll have an installable addon. A common mistake is to zip only the content of the folder, rather than the including the folder itself in the zip, as @QianyuLi mentioned. You can check that by opening the zip in explorer. There should be one single folder named plugin.video.viwx.
Read more on the addon structure at https://kodi.wiki/view/Add-on_structure

If you want to keep the existing addon, you'll have to give your addon a new name. The file addon.xml is an important file providing Kodi all kinds of info about the addon, including the name and id.
Op addon.xml in a text editor and locate the line 
<addon id="plugin.video.viwx" name="viwX" version="1.0.0-beta.5" provider-name="Dimitri Kroon">
The id is how Kodi internally stores and references the addon. You need to changes that, otherwise Kodi will overwrite the existing addon. Leave  'plugin.video.' as is and only change the last part.
The name is what you see on screen. Change that too. If two addons have the same name, you'll probably see only one on screen.
Check https://kodi.wiki/view/Addon.xml for more info on addon.xml

Again, If installing a zip file fails restart Kodi. Once installing a zip has failed Kodi will keep throwing the same error even if you've resolved the issue, so restart before trying again.

I hope this clear things a bit, but it is all rather off topic.
If you need more help you'd better open a new topic. You'll have a much broader audience, a bigger pool of knowledge and more people will benefit from the answers.
Just explain as clearly and exact as possible what the problem/question is, what you have done so far and what errors you get and you'll find people willing to help. 
Try to keep it short, and above all, to the point. And provide a debug log!!
I realised it was a little off topic so thank you so much for taking the time to reply.

Btw changing inputstream adaptive stream type to fixed resolution also gives me 1080p on my Android TV too.

What's a little odd though is my Android TV has problems streaming ITV from your addon, and STV from the catch-up-tv-and-more addon (freezing and buffering) but has no problem streaming up to 4k from Prime, BBC iPlayer, and various other sources. And just to compound that mystery if I use my Firestick on my Android TV I don't get any issues with anything. Rather defeats the object of an Android TV though. That applies to both the HD mod and original addon. 

Again a bit off topic but just sharing in case it is of interest to others.
Is there currently a problem with this addon? Live TV is fine but every show I try to play from any of the categories gives an error keyerror "title".
Yes, There are some breaking changes at ITVX causing just about everything to fail.
It's not all trivial, but I'm currently not quite sure what the full impact is. I'm just working through them one by one.
Wow sorry to hear that. That must be a headache for you. Best of luck I hope you can fix it.
yes I can
New version: 1.0.0-beta.6

  • Adapt to changes at ITVX which fixes:
    • Almost all VOD fail to play.
    • Programme folders fail to open.

As usual available on https://github.com/dimkroon/itvx-for-kodi/releases
and kodi file source: https://dimkroon.net/kodi-addons/
Check the first post in this thread for detailed install instructions.

I thinks this fixes all recent issues. I wouldn't be surprised though, if there are more changes at ITVX coming up.
If you find any issue or irregularities, please first check if the issue is also present if you do the same on the itvX-website using a regular web browser.
If it is not, please report it here. Issues don't fix themselves, your feedback is important!
(2023-08-03, 18:56)kereltje Wrote: New version: 1.0.0-beta.6

  • Adapt to changes at ITVX which fixes:
    • Almost all VOD fail to play.
    • Programme folders fail to open.

As usual available on https://github.com/dimkroon/itvx-for-kodi/releases
and kodi file source: https://dimkroon.net/kodi-addons/
Check the first post in this thread for detailed install instructions.

I thinks this fixes all recent issues. I wouldn't be surprised though, if there are more changes at ITVX coming up.
If you find any issue or irregularities, please first check if the issue is also present if you do the same on the itvX-website using a regular web browser.
If it is not, please report it here. Issues don't fix themselves, your feedback is important!
Thank you very much.
Relocation notice

At the time development of this addon started itvhub was still ITV's web streaming. Since then, ITVX entered stage, hub exited, the addon followed the transition to ITVX and got renamed to viwX. During that time, it was a pleasant stay here in this little thread in the addon flat on the development campus. But having outgrown the WIP stage, it seemed only appropriate to start looking out for a more permanent residence.

I've found a lovely new place in a very respectable neighbourhood, and I would like to invite everyone to stop by some time and leave a message, or just have a look around.
Our new address is: https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=374239
It's still a bit empty and in need of some decoration, but I hope, with your help, that will sort itself out soon enough.

So, this is my last glance around here. I'll hand in the keys now and won't return. Thank you all for your interest and support and I hope to see you over at viwX's new home.
Thank you for picking up on this project and all the fantastic work you have done. I will certainly be following you in your new home.
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