Solved Remove Title from TV Banner
Hi there, I have the latest Matrix version with Rapier skin. Is there a way to remove the TV show title from the banner? The banner already has the TV show name on it, and I don't need an extra printed name of the show over top. I tried searching for the answer, but could not find anything, so I'm asking here. Thanks. 

I should add, I'm using List Info 2. I've scrolled through the view options, but nothing removes the Title name. Closest I have come is hide overlay, but that only removed the number of shows.
Hi @Pitman33

That's a great catch.
It's actually a bug. Smile

I have fixed that bug and several other in List Info 2 and List Info 3 views in the latest development version (v12.3.5).

Please download my development repository and let me know if it works.
Hey Gade, cool. Thanks!!
Yay! Works perfectly, thanks!
That sounds great.
Thanks for reporting the issue.

I'll mark this thread as solved.

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