BD-J developer offering assistance
Hello devs

I would like to offer my help with BD-J implementation for Kodi.

More specifically, I can tell you where Kodi behaves wrong compared to real players.

One current example is this:

If an Xlet starts a video, Kodi doesn't respond to keypresses until the Xlet has actually drawn something on the screen. It should respond to keypressed regardless of whether or not something has been drawn or not.
An Xlet is designed to run in the background. Doesn't have to actually draw anything on the screen before it's active.

I can give more input like this, if it has any interest to anyone.

P.S.: I love how Kodi offers Blu-ray playback remotely via WebDAV! That's nothing less than awesometastic! Simply put the Blu-ray folder (not the ISO) on a website, and install Sabre/DAV. Then add the source in Kodi. Great!
edit: The problem with the input handling is, that it was implemented long time ago for dvds and only adapted a bit to work with blurays. For dvds you only have the two possible situations "in menu" or "not in menu".
For blurays it's not that easy.

It would be nice if you could post a list of things that should be improved / don't work. Unfortunately I don't now when I have time to work on the code.
(2018-03-27, 18:47)Ace Wrote: edit: The problem with the input handling is, that it was implemented long time ago for dvds and only adapted a bit to work with blurays. For dvds you only have the two possible situations "in menu" or "not in menu".
For blurays it's not that easy.

It would be nice if you could post a list of things that should be improved / don't work. Unfortunately I don't now when I have time to work on the code.

Well, I can only say that I'm testing with other players too, such as VLC and PowerDVD, and those two don't have this problem.

For Kodi, I can code a simple workaround: Just draw something on the screen - even if invisible (with 0 alpha color). So I've done that for my project now.

When I find time I will take a deeper look at everything at and see how I can help.
Currently life is just busy as always. Same problem we all have. Undecided
We are looking for a Kodi Developer to assist in a programming and line station line up for a set top box. I can be contacted at jack at anamco dot com.

Thank you

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