v16 (SOLVED) Skin shortcuts Unable to build menu

I am using kodiubuntu

I have upgraded to Jarvis and Eminence 2.0 but when ever I come back to home screen

I got an error message "Skin shortcuts - Unable to build menu"

Here is my log file

One or more of the files in which your menus are saved in are corrupt. Delete the folder userdata (wiki)/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts, or use any 'Reset main menu to default' or equivalent option in the skins settings.
Thumbs Up 
Hey thank you very much Smile

Problem solved

(2016-02-25, 22:18)BobCratchett Wrote: One or more of the files in which your menus are saved in are corrupt. Delete the folder userdata (wiki)/addon_data/script.skinshortcuts, or use any 'Reset main menu to default' or equivalent option in the skins settings.
- wrong thread -

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(SOLVED) Skin shortcuts Unable to build menu0